Saturday, February 2, 2013

the girl at the car dealership

I'm posting today to report a major win the in the friendship hunt! I've been posting about the book MWF seeking BFF, and in my last post, I wrote about how to find friends.

Number 3 on that list was to introduce yourself to that girl at the [insert public place here]. I also admitted that I had never actually done that, but I did it last night!

I went to get an oil change (on a Friday night, glamorous, I know) and the girl at the desk in the waiting area seemed like she was probably about my age. At first, I sat in a chair reading, not expecting to have any conversations.

After awhile, she asked me what book I was reading (Bride for a Night, just something I grabbed from the library because it was available), and continued to talk to me from there. Instead of just going back to my book, we had a good conversation about working with kids (we both coach sports teams), customer service experiences, what her boyfriend does, and where we grew up.

When my car was done and I went to pay, I worked up some courage and dug one of my business cards out of my wallet. (They had to come in handy sometime, right?) I wrote my personal e-mail address on it and told her if she ever wanted to hang out to e-mail me. She seemed a little surprised, but pretty receptive. 

So, if she e-mails, she e-mails. If she doesn't, she doesn't. There was nothing to lose by throwing it out there, and I'm very proud of myself.

I'll keep you posted if I hear from her!

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