Thursday, February 21, 2013

I don't pay for TV.

My cheerleaders know that I like to watch Glee, so they like to discuss the show with me. The problem: Glee airs on Thursday nights, while we are all at cheerleading practice. So, I watch them online after the fact. One of my cheerleaders in particular likes to ask me why I haven't watched the latest Glee yet, which led to an interesting conversation, that went something like this.

Her: Did you watch Glee yet?

Me: Nope, it's not free on Hulu yet.

Her: Haven't you ever heard of recording?

Me: I don't have DVR.

Her: Why don't you get DVR or Hulu Plus?!

Me: I don't pay for TV.

Her: You pay for cable.

Me: Nope, I do not.

Her: What?! You're so weird. You don't even have cable?

I know that she thinks that I'm weird, and that everyone else she knows has cable. But, I don't see the point in paying for something I'm not going to use - I'm not in my apartment enough to pay for cable. And, I certainly watch enough TV as it is.

I even know that this seems weird to most people, but we're on a budget, and just can't pay for things that aren't a priority. And, you know what, even if we weren't, I think I still wouldn't want cable. Cable takes up so much of your time, because there's always something on TV. I like that on Saturdays and Sundays there's nothing on, and I have to find something else to do.

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