Monday, July 23, 2012

my weekend - hike 31: Mount Falcon

We hiked number 31 out of my 100 Classic Hikes of Colorado guide. (I gave a small intro to the book in this post.)
Location: Conifer, CO
Estimated Hike Time: 2 hrs
Actual Time Hiked: 2 hrs
Distance: 1.9 mi
Difficulty: Easy
This hike was probably one of my favorites so far. It was really easy to get to, following the directions in the book. It was also really easy to follow the trails as the book described them.

The trails were simple, well marked, and it was overall an easy hike. 

We saw a lot of deer! This buck walked right across the trail.

This baby was a little more skittish. We also saw the doe that we think belonged to this little one, as well as another baby.

We also saw this little bird! Alex took this awesome shot!

One more artsy picture - a wildflower on the trail.

View from the trail.

View from the Eagle shelter, along the trail.

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