Tuesday, July 10, 2012

a dog on the road - hotel room

Our last, and biggest, ordeal associated with road tripping with a dog from CO to IL.

Obstacle 3: Grizzly needed to behave in a hotel room
This one was tricky. (On the way to IL, we stopped halfway, since we weren't able to start driving early in the morning and didn't want to lose any time.) First, we had to find a hotel that would allow us to have a dog in the room, that wasn't too expensive. We ended up in a cheap motel chain, paying 53 for the room, plus an extra 10 for the dog. All in all that's not too bad.

The challenge came when we got to the hotel room. By the time we got there, we were super tired, and Grizzly had tons of energy because he'd been cooped up in the car. He went crazy when we got out of the car, pulling on his leash and wanting to run around. After we got him calmed down, we went into the room and went to bed immediately.

At home, we don't allow Grizzly to sleep on our bed. We like our space and don't want him to be on the bed moving around all night. So, we followed the same rule in the hotel room. We slept for about an hour when Grizzly started barking. There were too many sounds, smells, and people moving around for him to calm down. We caved and let him on the bed at this point. He did stop barking...but he made sleeping near impossible.

When morning rolled around, we did convince him to sleep on the floor, on the comforter from the bed, for a couple hours while we attempted to catch up on sleep.
And, as I write, this, we're alive, awake, only mildly exhausted, so we must have done alright.

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