Monday, July 30, 2012

my weekend - colorado dragon boat festival

I was looking for something to do this weekend, and found out that Denver is hosting the Colorado Dragon Boat Festival! Admission was free*, so why not?

The first thing that drew our attention was the opening ceremonies, and the double dragon dance! I got a ton of pictures, here are the best ones.

Then we went to the Cultural Unity tent and watched a popin' lockin' dance crew perform. Sorry, no pictures of this one, I was too entranced by the performance!

 Docked dragon boats!

And then we went back out to the lawn and watched a dragon boat race! We'd seen one as soon as we got there, but we picked our favorite boats this time. I picked the boat in the middle, and Alex picked the one closest to the shore.
 My boat is the one in lead, Alex's is in last place here.
Boat #2 winning the race! Alex's boat isn't in this picture...that boat didn't actually finish! Bad luck!

*We did have to pay $5 for parking, because we couldn't find a spot on the street, but that doesn't seem like a lot for the fun we had!

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