Saturday, April 7, 2012

working out for entertainment budget

As I've mentioned before, my husband and I are on a strict budget, which means keeping track of all the money we spend, particularly what we spend on entertainment. We allow ourselves $150 in entertainment budget every month, which includes things like going out to eat, going out to movies, shows, etc.

An added complexity to the entertainment budget is that we have to "earn" the money (up to the $150) by working out. Each time we work out, we get to add $15 to the entertainment budget. This has two benefits. 

First, most of our entertainment budget is spent on eating out. So, we've decided that we really have no business eating out if we're not working out enough. 
Second, it means we don't always get up the the $150 we allow ourselves, since we don't actually work out 10 times per month. (We tend to hit our top budget amounts in most areas, but not in entertainment.)

I know that having to work out for the entertainment money sounds like a bad thing, but it makes me feel better about keeping such a tight budget. It makes me feel responsible for the budget, and makes it our fault if we don't have as much entertainment money as we want, not the fault of our budget.

Plus, it really is GREAT motivation to work out, which I really need!

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