Tuesday, April 17, 2012

the great apartment debate of 2011 - prt 1

When Alex moved to Colorado, I just assumed that we would start looking for a house, or at least a two bedroom apartment. In my opinion, we needed something bigger than my one bedroom apartment. But, Alex really thought we could make it work with the one bedroom. At that point in time, Alex’s desk for work was in the dining room, which is painfully close to the living room. I was convinced that we needed another bedroom to make into Alex’s office.

After talking about it awhile, we discovered that the main reason I hated having just one bedroom was because when Alex was on the phone for work, there was nowhere for me to go, I couldn’t watch TV because it was in the living room. So, we made a plan to get Alex’s work desk into the bedroom.

In order to do that, we had to get rid of the dresser that was in the bedroom. To do that, we had to go through all our clothes and get rid of everything we didn’t wear (not that I don’t have plenty of that left!) and fit all the clothes into the closet. 

So, everything that was in this dresser had to fit in the closet! That is a story for another day! (Plus, we got $50 for the dresser!)

Just by moving the desk, the apartment looks bigger and my kitchen area seems much less cluttered. When Alex works, he can go into the bedroom and shut the door, leaving me free to make noise in the living room/kitchen/dining room.

I didn’t get a chance to take any before pictures, so just imagine this desk (I know, it's kind of mess at the moment):

in the corner of this space:
It was not good! Anyway, it feels much better to just have the table and bookcase in the dining room area again, like in the picture above.

Stay tuned for the final pictures (as well as how we managed to organize the closet!) as the great apartment debate continues!

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