Monday, April 23, 2012

my easter

I know this post is a little behind, as Easter was a few weeks ago, but I just found the pics on my camera and wanted to share!

This is what I wore to my church's Easter service:

It was a little chilly here in Denver that day, so the sweater and boots made sense. I put this outfit together from clothes I already had in my closet. The pink sweater is one I wear a lot with jeans, and the boots I wear a lot as well. 
The skirt is one that I've had in my closet for 3 years and have NEVER worn until that day! I had just never found the right shirt/shoes/occasion to go with it, but couldn't get myself to get rid of it either.

So, the skirt goes in the category 'towearmore'. I'll use this tag for posts that include things that I'd like to wear more, in an effort to wear the clothes that I have in my closet instead of buying new.

Anyway, on Easter, my cousin and I went to my church's Easter service downtown, then went to brunch. Here's us waiting for a table:

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