Wednesday, June 27, 2012

trip to IL

 One of the things that's a real bummer about living far away from our families is that we don't get to see them very often due to the 1000 miles in between us. The other bummer is that when we do go visit, the prep work can be kind of a pain!

I am the over-planning type, so I like to make lists and pre-pack everything that I can. We will be in Illinois for nine days...that's a lot of packing!

I have posted before about how I want to get away from wearing jeans and t-shirts everyday, so that makes packing to go anywhere a little harder. I can't just throw nine t-shirts in my bag and call that good!!

The weather in Illinois is also completely different than it is and humid in the summer...all the time.

To add another element to the packing - I have the ability to work remotely, so I will be doing that the first couple days we are in Illinois, to minimize the amount of vacation days I have to take. This means I have to bring my laptop, as well as a couple other things I need to be able to work remotely.

We have also decided to take Grizzly with us to IL, so we'll have to make sure we pack everything he needs!

On a lighter note, I can't wait to see my family! I haven't seen a lot of them since August!

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