Thursday, January 24, 2013

MWF seeking BFF


I recently stumbled across this book, and the byline was so intriguing I had to read it! "My yearlong search for a new best friend" It seems to describe what I've been trying to do!

Since moving to Colorado, I've had a few stages of feelings about friendships. At first, I thought that I would keep all my Illinois friendships, and probably make a few friends here, and that would be good enough. After being here for a year or so, I began to realize that while keeping my friends in Illinois was definitely something I wanted, it wasn't the same as having friends to call for coffee or to see the latest chick flick.

The book talks about a lot of different things, and is really informative as well as entertaining. Two things in particular jumped out to me:
1. To make friends, you have to meet people.
2. Friend-making is expensive.

Let's try to make a list of things we can do with friends that are no/low cost!

1 comment:

  1. You skipped step 1! Before we can do inexpensive things with friends, we have to meet friends!

    I want to make more artistic friends (and pursue more artistic endeavors), so I joined a group this semester that is about Beauty. We are going to talk about art and the human experience and why it's important to people. I am really excited for it and will hopefully make some friends in it too :)
