Sunday, January 13, 2013

exploding laundry detergent

A couple months ago, we bought the jumbo economy size laundry detergent because we figured we'd use it all eventually and it would be much cheaper per load. Laundry detergent doesn't go bad, and it can just sit in the container forever, right?

Wrong. First, with a container of liquid as big as we had, of course someone knocks if off the shelf. So, the huge laundry detergent container was cracked and leaking. We cleaned it up, and put all the laundry detergent into two empty milk gallons.

We thought that would fix the problem...but a month or so later, we discovered that the laundry detergent had deteriorated the milk jugs and it was leaking everywhere!!

This is after I had cleaned up part of the mess, but you get the idea.
 Collapsed and empty milk jugs...we were trying to figure out what to do with all the detergent!
We rounded up every glass container we could find, and filled them all with detergent. (The cup in the front is plastic, so we need to use that up first! It was for the last little bit when we ran out of glass containers!)
 The moral of the story is...well I don't know. Maybe don't buy so much detergent? Or don't put a huge container of liquid on a high shelf? If you figure out the moral let me know. :)

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