Friday, August 24, 2012

mini golf at work - part 1

I should mention - I have a great job. For the most part, it's just a job, but every once in awhile we get to do really fun stuff.

One of the most recent fun things is a mini golf tournament! Here's how it worked. Anyone could form a team and build a mini golf hole. We got to set them up in the hallways and play!

I ended up on a few teams, because I can get really into this kind of thing.

Let's start with the team I didn't do much for - the fun committee hole. (I am on the fun committee...that's right, we have a fun committee in the building...which is how I ended up on that team.)

I didn't really contribute. One of the guys on the fun committee also gets pretty into this kind of thing and built most of it himself. But, here it is!

It's a Mayan themed hole. The sign on the back wall says something about the end of world, playing off the Mayan calendar ending in 2012.

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