Friday, August 17, 2012

a baby shower gift

A friend of mine is having a baby boy in September, and I was invited to her baby shower. I wanted to get her a gift, but didn't want it to be too expensive. I put together this 'bath time' basket for about $25.

I included (from back to front):
a hooded bath towel
baby wash cloths
baby wash
two rubber duckies

And, I know what you're thinking. A pink rubber duckie when she's having a boy?!
Well, you'll notice there is a yellow and a pink. The yellow is for the new baby, and the pink is for his 6 yr old big sister. She got it IMMEDIATELY. 

She was helping her mom open presents, and she pulled out both ducks and exclaimed 'this one is me and this one is my brother!!!'. I was really pleased that she was excited.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! Love that she got it so quick!!! That gift turned out great :)
