Friday, October 26, 2012

yes, my phone is stupid

I think one of the most socially unacceptable things Alex and I do because we are trying to pay off all of our debts is hang on to our 'stupidphones'. 

We save about $100/month by not having expensive 'smartphones'. Both of our phones can actually access the internet, and our plan gives us unlimited data, so we're not completely in the stone age.

So, the stupidphones are ok with me, but I am tired of people making comments about my phone! Couple of the gems I've heard at work...

"Sara, isn't time your phone went back a decade, where it belongs?"

"Wanna join this century and get a real phone?"

I wonder why everyone is so obsessed with my phone...probably because it's AWESOME! ;)

Alternatively, I work in a place that is driven by new technology.

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